Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mod 2

In a chapter in Lazere's book Reading and Writing for Civic Literacy he talks about ethnocentrism and capitalism and states that teachers are normally looked upon as liberal and capitalist, rather than being conservative. He states that this is an "either-or-fallacy" and I find this to be true as education and business interests converge.
For example, the University of Washington (UW) needed several billion dollars in donations for operations and various projects. This money was largely donated by the local business community, such as Bill Gates and Starbucks. The success of the UW has been turned into a model for other universities and is being emulated throughout the country now. This could be good and bad: good because the funding from private sources relieves the taxpayers of some of there burden, and bad if individuals used this to exert undue influence on the university. One example of a company having bad motivations is that of tobacco companies. These companies attempted to suppress negative studies on their industry by using donations as motivation.
Today I believe the donations from Starbucks and Bill Gates are truly altruistic, but only time will tell.

Mod 6

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Mod 5

I thought the film Outfoxed was really fascinating, even though I normally don't watch movies with a political slant. The director Robert Greenwald really did a superb job of not only making assertions that Fox is slanted, but by backing up his arguments. He was particularly effective when he used Fox's own footage against them. This was very useful in our class for showing media bias, but I highly recommend it for anyone in or out of school.

Mod 4

I thought this one was very interesting about how Ipods are getting integrated;

This writer seemed to have a very balanced veiw point;

Thursday, October 19, 2006


This is my first post, so allow me to introduce myself and this blog. I'm a student at Cascadia Community College taking English 101. This blog is for that course and is an assignment. The title comes from a list of possible topics, but they are not set in stone, so i maybe changing it later.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Mod 3

These might be interesting to check out;

This is from a major news outlet;
This one is a little more broader;
This one I feel is the best of the bunch;

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Mod 7

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I intend to delete it later.